Everyone's reaction to shunning will be different, but in your wife's case, her best healing will come via yourself and others who have genuine, non-conditional love for her. I wish you, and especially your wife well.
I received a bitter telephone call many months ago from one of my two sisters, warning me never to contact her ever again for any reason whatsoever.
My "crime?" I'd been sharing media items about the org with both my sisters. They then got together and decided that I was speaking "negatively" about the org, and as such, I deserved to be stoned to death.
Their loss - not mine. Why would I want to be associated with people who "hate by decree?"
The same sister pointed out this scripture to me after I got baptised years ago:
Galatians 4:16 - "So, then, have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?"
I smile now when I read it.